Monday, June 25, 2012


Breathe Free
17 1/2"x17"
I have been thinking about Independence Day coming up and was inspired to portray Lady Liberty.
The background is white satin with four layers of organza and chiffon in gradually deepening colors of concentric circles.  The 'Zentangle' is entirely free motion thread drawing (no patterns or lines) with black thread.
The statue is black suede cloth, cut in one piece and appliqued with a very narrow zigzag.
The quote is stamped on a strip of white organza then fused onto the quilt.
I love this challenge Meena.  I have been fascinated with Zentangle for a few years, and this is the 3rd stitched piece I have done using this technique.
Your comments and suggestions are as always appreciated...


  1. I love the wonderful quilting, stamped text, and shading with the sheer circular layers leading up to the focal point.
    Just great!

  2. Suburb quilting! Your tangles are excellent and the organza really sets them off. The chiffon shading is the icing on the cake! Great Job on this challenge.

  3. I love the way you used the chiffon to draw one's eye to the center focal point. Your quilting is outstanding! All those zentangles and nearly perfect rendition of ink drawings. Nice piece!

  4. Wow! This has such impact. Intriguing how the positive/negative spaces keep alternating as you look at it. Excellent interpretation and rendition.

  5. Very effective, I love the way it seems to glov.

  6. I can't add much to what everyone has already said..just that I LOVE this!!


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