Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Octopus's Garden

18" x 23"

I first thought of doing Maxwell's Silver Hammer -- but I don't like the images from that song!  Octopus's Garden has a much more cheerful image, "knowing you're happy and you're safe!"  And I had just received the background fabric which is a perfect sea bed, so that decided it.

The design decisions included: should the child have trunks?  a pillow?  and does it really matter if the octopus only has seven tentacles?  I decided no on all these points!  I added some glitter on the octopus, to liven him up, and foil on the child, plus a few bubbles on the left, which are hard to see in this photo.  I used up almost all of the background fat quarter, including putting it wrong-side up in the background behind the octopus's head.

This was a fun piece, and even if I'm posting a bit late, I really only got started on it last Wednesday!  I welcome your comments.


  1. You could always say that the 8th tentacle extends behind the octopus in the "no-view" zone! As always, this is a fun piece, Tobi. The background is perfect.

  2. This is awesome - the tentacle missing will not even be noticed. This is thinking out side of the box! Good job.


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