Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Warhol Meets Adams Meets O'Keefe

As you can tell by the title of this piece, I had some difficulty focusing on just one artistic style. What I finally came up with was a cross between Andy Warhol, Ansel Adams and Georgia O'Keefe. Andy was represented in the multiple prints of a single image along with the use of the color red, Ansel's influence was the black and white photo print, and Georgia's nod was the close-up of a flower. I began by using a close-up photo of a rose which I had taken and altering it through PSE to sharpen it and remove the color. I then printed it onto fabric, creating three images to use. Here is where I wish that I had taken more time and used Digital Grounds on my fabric before printing on it. This would have given me a more saturated sharp image. I then cropped two of the images and left one complete. I placed the images on the black and white background and added the red and black framing around them. The quilting is very simply done, as I knew that it would not show on the patterned fabric.


  1. It took me awhile to figure out my reaction to this piece, something felt unsettling. I realize it is the fact that you've chosen a black and white color scheme for a subject - flowers - that is usually celebrated for it's colors. Now that I look again, it is wonderful because it forces the viewer to think more about the form of the rose, not just the color where we typically stop. I like this!

  2. This is a very lovely piece!

  3. Very nice piece representing three artistic styles. Good job. The red really makes the piece pop.

  4. I particularly love the gray tone roses! surrounded by the narrow black, then red, is perfect. Lovely piece...well done!


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