Thursday, August 16, 2012

Blue Horned Violet

9" x 9"

My Mom's favorite color was blue. My dear friend Deborah also likes blue a lot. Thinking of both of them as I debated how to respond to the latest FFF challenge of a flower in the mode of a painter. I chose to do a Horned Violet ala Georgia O'Keeffe. I also remember when I transplanted a LOT of these violets around a large bush in our back yard. They grew and thrived; maybe too much. However, Mom loved them. Precious memories.

Since I lost my Mom on July 20, I've been struggling with a LOT of emotions. This challenge and the thread painting [which was boring], has helped me cope. Deborah's birthday is August 16. Hope she likes this little 'painting'. If she doesn't she can choose from something else that I will be creating in the small category. I will be creating many more small items for a one person show next year.


  1. This is absolutely glorious! The thread painting really makes the piece come alive, and I love the blues (also my favorite color).

  2. Ann this looks great. I've been doing a lot of thread painting and I love it as well. You did a great job.

  3. wonderful flower! Did you paint the flower first or is it all thread painting? You have done a great job.

    Pat Havey

  4. This is stunning and your threadwork is amazing. It makes the flower seem almost real. I can see this as part of a larger panel, many varieties of flowers in variuos sizes and styles. Nice job!

  5. Ann,

    I agree, this is a beautiful piece! I love the wonderful flow of the thread on the petals, it gives them so much life and interest. My only suggestion would be to add a little more interest to the center by darkening/increasing the yellow by more thread painting, beading, or whatever means you might choose. Again, this is only my opinion,


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