Friday, September 28, 2012

Challenge 73: Planet Loopiland

Fast Friday Fabric Challenge for September 2012

Challenge Hostess:  Cay Denise MacKenzie
Title:  Blast Off to Planet Loopiland!

Spaceship FFFC has just landed on Planet Loopiland and you’re discovering just how loopy this new world is.  Readings indicate the entire planet is covered by water with the only hints of a molten planet interior ~~ the monolithic stone loop and plateau formations that water flows through and under, and that our spaceship sits upon.

You can use this short story as a take-off point or pursue your own direction for imagery.  The challenge, however, is to create a piece that incorporates at least two “loops” (three layer strips –with or without stabilizer) sewn into the piece as a design element(s).  Remember to have fun!

To help with idea generation, below are some links to get your creative imagination working where loops are concerned:

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