Monday, October 29, 2012

Buttonmania Strikes Again..

My hand is up, the buttons are all at my house
Small quilt, approx 15 inches tall, with hand-embroidered/quilted stitch holding the layers and the buttons on.  All the woven fabrics (thanks Jude) were grabbed from the scrap box as tones, not choices.. The size was set by the oddment of batting I found under the table.  The background fabric is Oakshott Fabrics Ischia and the binding is another Oakshott colour I can't name. All the buttons came from one of the 7 tins-worth I bought the other day, incidental to purchasing a sewing machine table for my little workroom at home.
Sewn in front of the fire to the accompaniment of a programme about wolves and buffaloes.
Finished on Saturday morning, but it's taken a day or two to get online to post here. Hooray!


  1. This is a fun piece, and very cheerful. Love your variety of buttons. Great use of light, dark, and medium red tones too.

  2. What an interesting array of buttons and buckles. You really were on a roll, stitching them all by the fire. They have that firelight glow going on, as well. I like the hand stitching, which adds another texture element.

  3. Nice color scheme and interesting buttons too. I like the little buckles and the bottom, and the hand stitching gives it a very nice homey feel.

  4. I'm glad you did finally get this posted! You did well with the selection of tones, an element that simply slipped by me when I did mine! What I'd like to see is a focal point, something that draws the eye to it.


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