Friday, October 05, 2012

Lupus in Loopiland

14" x 16½"

When I mentioned the theme of this challenge to my husband, he suggested that a wolf, as a "loupine" be part of the picture, hence the grey fellow here.  I took the stone loops from Cay's story very literally, making them 3-dimensional infinity signs; the loops themselves  are not tacked down.

Because the blue/purple loops did not show up well on the watery background, I ironed on some thin fusible interfacing to add contrast.

The wolf was cut out of dark grey fusible interfacing and some eyelash yarn fused to it, with the eye added using fabric paint.  I also tried outlining him, and his tail, with black fabric paint, but it needs more.

Critiques are welcome.  A fun challenge, Cay!


  1. I love wordplay like yours. This is a very effective piece. I love the fabrics, including the background, and I really like the intertwined loops. A very good interpretation of the challenge!

    Marilyn Foulke

  2. I find making a mobius is soo much fun. Yours turned out very dimensional. Since it is not sewn down, what keeps it in place?

  3. Love the wordplay. And I am glad to learn there are creatures living on those loops and monoliths!

  4. Nice, love the wolf among all the loops and how he was made too. Very creative!

  5. Lovely background fabric! I really like the intertwined loops too. They add a bit of Celtic flavor to the overall image.

  6. I tried to make a mobius this year but was not successful. Our challenge was STRIP. Just couldn't get it the way I wanted. Love yours

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  8. Interlocking Loops look great.


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