Friday, November 02, 2012

Button Quilt

Button Pony - My button horse was fun to make, like a mosaic with buttons. He does not show up well in the photos. The baby  is highlighted with fabric paint; the tail and fur are made from scraps of braided trim. The buttons are from my collection! haha I am sure I am not the only one who collects buttons. Thank you for this fun challenge.


  1. What a great piece! I love the way your buttons outline the horses' body shapes...the look very realistic. I wish we could see it closer up!

  2. I love this piece. You captured great movement with your button horses. Perhaps if you did heavier quilting on the background near the horses, they would pop out more, especially around the legs.

  3. I took the liberty of changing the picture size, so you can see it better -- it deserves it! I like the sense of motion you created.

  4. Susan, love the horses. Perhaps a background fabric with less going on would have shown the horse up better. JMHO!


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