Monday, December 31, 2012

Auspicious 4x4

This piece is 4”x4”, which was a challenge in itself doing something so small, but 4x4=16, and that just happens to be my birthday! Besides the four large crystals, there are 12 square sequins for a total of 16 embellishments. Also, in one of the links provided with this challenge, it says my personality number is 4, and while that’s not a good number to the Chinese, it works for me, so my personality is represented by the four large crystals that I tried to balance in the composition.

Happy new year to all! Hopefully 2013 hold auspicious numbers for everyone.

Robert Hartley


  1. Great colors and I love the use of couched yarns. The crystals are stunning.

  2. This is a very busy 16 square inches. It's looks like it was a lot of fun to make, too.

  3. Great texture and colors.

  4. Ditto. Lots of fun embellishments.

    Pat Havey

  5. It's interesting how the four large square crystals reflect the background, crreating a whole new design element to your quilt!

  6. This piece looks alot bigger than 4"x4"! I really like the couching that adds texture, and the color of the piece. At first glance, I recall not seeing/focusing on the crystals, but they are the perfect embellishment to finish the piece. Oh, and those small sequins add a touch of flourish and some depth (depending on what color they've been attached too. I think you've done a great job! After all that, is your auspicious number 4?...just kidding.

  7. Such a lot of detail in so small a piece! When I click on it and see it at nearly seven inches square, it still looks busy. The crystals seem to integrate everything in the refractions, picking up the background colors as well as emphasizing the number four in their facets.

  8. Love the sequins! AND the 4 x 4.


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