Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Panther Chameleon

I started this Friday morning, as soon as the challenge was announced. Most of the time since then has been spent sewing on beads. The rest went together quickly. I plan to continue adding beads - you can never have too many beads!

The background is a commercial batik, and the chameleon is dupioni silk. The beads are all #11 delicas. The eye is a cotton bead from India, and the leaves are two-sided, with a wire to help create the 3-D effect. Using beads for texture is one of my favorite ways to embellish, and the wire I put in the leaves makes it possible to bend them for a realistic appearance.

I had so much fun doing this that I plan to make a larger version; this one is 11" x 12" .

I would really appreciate any comments. I LOVED this challenge!


  1. Great piece, Marilyn! I can see where it would take you quite a while to do all those beads. The eye bead from India is my favorite - the swirls are perfect for the eye. The suggestions I have are to add a bit of a shadow under the legs and feet to anchor the lizard to the branch, and to stitch vein lines into s few of the leaves to add some dimension.

  2. Your little lizard is really cute. It looks very much at home in the shade of the leaves. I like the idea of using wire in your leaves to allow them to bend and be positioned. Nice work.

  3. Your chameleon is adorable Marilyn! All the detail work with the leaves and beads really do make the image pop. I agree with Ann in that some shadowing under/ behind the little guy could really anchor him. Nice work!


  4. That eye was a PERFECT choice! You really can imagine it swiveling on it's own like they do. Good use of texture, and I really enjoy it!

  5. You certainly have managed to get a lot of texture on this little guy! Makes me want to reach out and touch him. Your leaves extending out over the edges adds a lot of interest to the piece. Well done! I also agree with Ann's comments. You could also shade/highlight some of the leaves to show the layering.

  6. Of course you loved this challenge. I can see it in your work. This is another one that cries out to be touched.

    I think this will appeal to kids of all ages. I love all of the different textures. Wish I could get closer to the beads.

  7. While the chameleon is definitely the focal center of this piece, the leaf texture also adds interest, particularly with the 3-D effect pulling it away from the square shape.

  8. This is just such wonderful use of textures and colors. It comes together in such a pleasing way that it cries out to be touched. Great job! Pam Clark

  9. Marilyn, from my perspective your piece a wonderful interpretation of the touchy, feely challenge! I like how you've used the two colors of dupioni silk to create the chameleon color/depth, and the background that adds environment to frame the central image. I also agree with someone else's comment that the eye bead is perfect!


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