Saturday, February 09, 2013

Origami Poseys

This was a fun challenge and my first attempt at free-motion quilting. I used the patchwork square's background for visual texture, as well as the quilting, and added some Origami petals for flowers, which I first folded and stitched and then appliqued them onto the background. The centers of the flowers were heavily stitched with variegated thread and then added some puff ball trim around the centers to accentuate them even more. The one thing I wished I would have done differently was use a darker ribbon for the stems, since I think they tend to get lost in the background.  The piece measures 20.5" x 26.5". Comments are most welcome.


  1. Pam -- so glad you posted this! Great work on the flowers, I like your treatment of the petals. Why not try fabric paint or add a darker ribbon on top for the flower stems?

  2. Pam, this is beautiful and possibly my favorite of all the pieces you've created! So much texture that gives depth to the piece. I like your checkerboard background that almost appears to be a trellis. Great job!

  3. Thank you both. I agree, Tobi, that I should try replacing the stems and that fabric paint may be the answer, since the stems start and stop under the flowers in a few spots.

  4. Your flowers are charming Pam. And I too love the checkered 'trellis'.
    I wonder, what if you were to crop some of the bottom green and stems? It seems to overwhelm the flowers a bit (to me). I really like it.Nice job...

  5. For a first attempt at free-motion quilting, you've done a very good job! The rhythm of the quilting looks good. I agree with you that your stem ribbon could have been darker. In fact, you could change that now if you wanted. I do think it would help the flowers show up more. I like the checkerboard effect in the background though I find it almost overpowers the color of the nicely-done flower petals. I'm also not as taken with the puff ball accent around the center of the flowers (though the color is a good contrast to the checkerboard background). The reason is that when I look at the overall piece, the puff ball centers are what my eyes are drawn to and then the bottom green part. In any case, you've done good work, Pam!


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