Friday, February 22, 2013

Challenge 78---Open the Doors of Perception

Theme:  Doors and Windows
Art concept: Contrast
Hostess: Susan Brittingham
Due:  March 2, 2013

“There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.” ---Aldous Huxley

Think of some favorite sayings and quotes you may have heard about doors and windows:

“One door closes, another opens.”

“Our eyes are windows to the soul.”

“Originality houses many rooms, and the views from the windows are all different. “

Often in the heart of winter one can feel closed in, the weather may keep us inside our houses and our own thoughts a bit more than at other times of the year. I started thinking about doors and windows. Where does the door lead? What lies outside the window? Are we looking in or looking out? We might think of doors or windows literally, or metaphorically. In art, doors and windows can be representational or abstract. Windows and doors also lend themselves to multiples and repetition for those who wish to continue with this year’s number theme.

Look at the Art and Architecture of Doors and Windows. Let yourself be inspired by their beauty, mystery and symbolism. The variety of doors and windows we can see is infinite. They can express a sense of place or cultural presence.  A quick image search can take you around the world.

I would also like to encourage you to be mindful of contrast. Use higher contrast for drama, or low contrast to encourage a sense of serenity and calm, but be use them thoughtfully and with intention.

Explore the depictions of doors and windows by artists and quilt makers and be inspired.

Vermeer  used windows as a light source in many of his paintings, even when the actual window was not seen. Explore your favorite Master Painters for doors and windows.

Without stirring abroad, one can know the whole world; without looking out of the window one can see the way of heaven. The further one goes the less one knows. ---Lao Tzu 

And one more thing -- have fun with this!

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