Wednesday, March 27, 2013


My idea of infinity is the horizon line and the change of seasons. There are places in this world where the horizon is endless and it seems that one is on top of the world.

I used two pieces of kimono silk overdyed and printed, a piece of cotton ikat and a commercial sky fabric. The grid stitching is in a dark blue cotton thread; French knots in perle cotton are on the bottom left side suggesting a calendar.

This was a fun project and I'm impressed I got it done in the time frame alotted.


  1. Sylvia, your interpretation of the challenge is so interesting. I wouldn't have thought of doing this type of abstraction, but your piece has a definite Japanese feel to it. You've expressed complexity through thoughtful simplicity.

  2. Nice choice of theme; time is itself an infinite loop. I'd like to be able to get a closer look at this piece.

  3. Beautiful simplicity. It looks like it has some interesting subtle textures.

  4. I really appreciate that you have reused/repurposed some of your fabric for this piece. I also wish that I could see this in more detail to enjoy more of the textural interest of your work.


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