Sunday, May 05, 2013

The Eye of the Beholder

I loved the idea of this challenge but really didn't have the time to put my design into fabric.  But it excited me so much that I felt I could at least do the design work and I will work on creating it in fabric later.

I entered a photo of an eye into PSE 11 I also entered a photo of this cute little baby.  I deleted the background from around the baby and reduced its size in order for it to fit into the pupil of the eye.  I also made the baby a little more opaque than the eye.

I then went to my filters and used the cutout filter in eight layers to create this image.  I'm very happy with the results, wish I had time to work on it now.


  1. Your design is delightful -- I look forward to seeing it as a completed project.

  2. Marilyn, I really like what you have done to this point. PhotoShop is a great program to play with and the possibilities are endless. I haven't created my piece yet (on the road in the motorhome) but was thinking along these same lines. Can't wait to see how you interpret this in fibers. Your work is always so beautiful.

  3. I love the concept, and your skills with PhotoShop are very advanced. This will be a fun quilt to make.

  4. Ahh, the apple of her eye! I like your concept. Will this be printed onto fabric or pieced in gradated layers? I look forward to seeing the finished product.

    Robert Hartley

  5. Thanks all for your comments. Robert I haven't decided yet. My first thought was to print and thread paint, I'm doing a lot of that now. However, I like the idea of making it in gradated layers. We will see.

  6. I like the idea of the image of what the eye sees shown inside the eye. Sort of similarly, my son has taken a series of photographs of people wearing glasses, with images of the surroundings (stained glass window, mountains, etc.) reflected in the lenses. The baby face is delightful!


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