Thursday, June 27, 2013

Challenge #82: Masters of the Old Wild West

Theme: Masters of the Old Wild West
Technique: Abstraction
Hosts: Pam Clark, Jan Johnson
Due Date: July 6, 2013

Using the one of the Master Painters of the Old Wild West (Frederick Remington, Charles Russell or any other Old West Artist), select a painting to use as your inspiration, but create a quilt that would be an abstract of this painting. You could use Pablo Picasso's Cubism using cylinders, spheres, cones, triangles, cubes, etc. to depict your Western Painting in abstract style. Use at least one form of embellishment. Be sure to either show the painting you used for inspiration or tell us the title and artist of the painting you selected (providing a link would be fine).

Charles Russell paintings:

Frederick Remington paintings:

Background info on Pablo Picasso

Picasso's Cubism Period where he used cones, cylinders, spheres to depict the natural world.
Go about 2/3 of the way down the page to the black and whites of bulls and notice the progression from 3 dimensional to just lines made of shapes, but we can still tell that it's a bull.

Samples of Abstract Art Quilts

There are a great many abstract quilts on this page.

Here is a link showing Cubism art.

Here is a link explaining the concept of Cubism.

In this link below, Elizabeth Barton's "Edge of Light" uses abstract art to depict a town.
Here's an example of an art quilt by Barbara Strobel Lardon showing how she analyzes the tail of an owl and selects just
the right fabric.

And one final note: have fun with this!

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