Monday, June 03, 2013

Pouring T

21" x 17"

I seldom include letters or words in my pieces, but the challenge called for them, hence, Pouring T, quite literally!  I tried cutting the letters out from fabric, but since I was unwilling to sew all around the edges for each letter, I tried out a technique that came through recently.  They had a video of printing using adhesive foam and pieces of foam core for printing, and since I always have loads of foam core scraps, I gave it a try.  The printing came out a bit light, but I filled in the T's with the same marker I had used for ink, and outlined the H2O steam and felt satisfied with the result.

At first, I was going to crop the kettle, but it wanted to be included in its entirety -- though it didn't want to have a handle!

Thanks, Ann, for a fun challenge.  I welcome any comments.


  1. This is a very fun interpretation of the theme. Great images. I'm going to try making foam core letters.

  2. It's always fun to be able to try out a new technique on a Fast Friday quilt. Stamping with foam core was very effective here with your quilt. Good job!

  3. I LOVE this! I am a recovering tea addict. I am not suppose to drink it anymore. Had to make a pot this morning because I was having a horrible day. Delicious. It also made me realize how much I missed it and how much I love it.

  4. PS. Really like the tea pot slightly out of the design.

  5. Tobi, I really like the composition of this piece. Many of the art quilts I've seen with words had used stamps and then quilted around them. Great Job!

  6. I love this quilt. Our town just finished having our first "Tea" in conjunction with a museum display. The timing of this quilt was perfect.

  7. Like the T s technique. Cute quilt.


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