Sunday, July 28, 2013

Five Smooth Stones

 I am not sure how I am quilting this, or even if I am, I may stretch it onto a frame the way it is or use some other method to attach it to a canvas or board. Also not sure if I want to add words. I am liking the simplicity of it the way it is.
The color is off, the background is supposed to be stark white, but I can never get a good shot in here at night no matter how I try.
As soon as I read the challenge for this month, I knew I wanted to do this. I have read this book many many times and it never fails to touch me. I chose to reproduce a painting done by Sara Kent, one of the character's in the book. Everytime I think of this book the description of this painting is always one of the first things to come to my mind. I added the stones to represent the title. they will be sewn on using tulle to hold them..

Not sure if we were supposed to include this, but I thought a description of the books would be nice so others could go look for them and read them if they wished.
(following blurb from Amazon, link to site included)
Five Smooth Stones was written by Ann Fairbairn, and
first published in 1966.
It is the story of David Champlin, a black man born into poverty in Depression-era New Orleans who achieves great success and then sacrifices everything to lead his people in the difficult, day-by-day struggle of the civil rights movement. Sara Kent is the beloved and vital white girl who loved David from the moment she first saw him, but they struggled over David's belief that a marriage for them would not be right in the violent world he had to confront. Likening the struggle of black Americans to the “five smooth stones” the biblical David carried against Goliath in lieu of arms, this novel’s range encompasses decades and continents—but that range is insignificant compared with the intimate picture of its hero’s irresistible warmth and inner conflicts. , this epic has become one of the most loved American bestsellers.

I enjoyed this, even as simple as mine is. Thank you Sharon for hosting a challenge that I feel  has rekindled the spark I used to have for creating with fabric!  Sorry I was so long winded! LOL


  1. Wow, Cathy, I love it! It gave me goosebumps reading the description, and only seeing the boy from behind. I really like the use of the stones too. Very tactile. I hope you will finish it and get it ready to display. I like your suggestion about describing the book, too, I will send that out to the Yahoo group. I'm really glad this challenge kindled your creative spirit!

  2. Cathy, this is wonderful. So simple yet it says so much. When I read this challenge I immediately though about what makes a book cover catch my eye. In one word it would be simplicity. Love it. Btw I don't think it needs words.

  3. Thanks for your nice comments Sharon and Marilyn!

  4. I love the simplicity of this quilt. It would make a wonderful book cover. Great interpretation of the Challenge. Pam Clark

  5. Agreed...Good job interpreting the challenge.

  6. I love the simplicity of this piece. I intend to read the book it sounds so inviting from your description.


    The simplicity draws me in.

    Unfortunately, it has made me look at my own attempt with distain.

    Congratulations on an amazing interpretation of the theme which will also totally stand on its' own.

  8. Your simplicity is itself very expressive, and the boy's shadow is nice. I too would like to see this in its finished form. I do appreciate the book description.


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