Sunday, July 07, 2013

The Outlaw

I have only a passing interest in Wild West Art, but it is easy to see that Frederic Remington's Bronze "The Outlaw" is the favorite of many. My piece is fused fabric using ideas taken from Pablo Picasso.  I was out the door to go fishing in Idaho - grabbed a bag of scraps, my sketchbook, etc (no sewing machine) and my computer.  After a quick stop at Walmart, I was ready. But by the time I got to Jimmy Smith Lake, I had no internet access.  So, I had to improvise a bit on the cowboy because I couldn't remember what he looked like!  It was a challenge - would have liked a wider array of fabrics.  I used tulle to create shadows on my whole cloth background, but when I tried to fuse the pieces down, I couldn't use a hot enough iron or the tulle would melt. At one point I resorted to glue.
My embellishments include hemp for the reins, and small beads to attach all the limbs paper-doll style.  This was a fun challenge, but I see I have a long way to go. I am humbled by the talent in this group, but even it we don't like the challenge, we learn from it.


  1. Karen, you deserve the prize for doing this while you are on vacation. The piece is super, I love it.

  2. What a wonderful job of interpreting this challenge you did! It is such a fun piece. I absolutely love it! Pam Clark

  3. I love the colors you used which are definitely western. This would look so nice hanging in a boy's room. It's abstract yet realistic enough to be appreciated by all ages. Great job!

  4. What a great background for your cowboy! I love all the texture there and in the cowboy as well.

  5. I really like the 'Picasso' interpretation of the head of the horse! You've also captured movement well in the overall piece, and I can't believe you recalled the image from memory. That's awesome!


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