Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Wild West Landscape

At first, I wasn't sure what I would do with this challenge. Then I found this painting in the first website listed. I loved the purples and browns, and the lovely sky above the mountains. I found several purple and brown African batiks in my stash, along with other batiks and hand-dyed fabrics. 

My abstract interpretation of the painting is a faux-bargello landscape, and I did some embellishing with some of my favorite matte beads, in purple, bronze, green and brown. (The beads don't show up very well in the photo. )

My quilting echoes the shape of the mountains; the finished piece is about 20" wide, and 21" tall. 

In spite of the fact that the "Wild West" paintings are not among my favorites, I enjoyed this challenge.

Marilyn Foulke
Louisville, KY


  1. I love how you really zeroed in on the colors in the painting and used that as your springboard. Great job!!
    Pam Clark

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love your color choices and the movement in your quilting.

  4. What a wonderful interpretation Marilyn. The colors and lines definitely reflect the original art. Well done!

  5. Marilyn great inspiration from the old West painting. The colors are wonderful.

  6. Your color choices are spot-on! Excellent fabric selections. I like the up and down rambling energy of the piece as it moves from left to right, almost as one would expect the live action to appear of the horses galloping along.

    I also like your quilting. It shows well and adds to the visual flow.

    Robert Hartley

  7. Your colors are fantastic as is your interpretation of this challenge. I think the way you quilted the piece also is an interpretation of the mountains and desert. Great job!

  8. Your use of colour and shape provides a very nice abstraction of the background of the original piece, but I'm not sure I see any representation of the riders, nor do I think I seeing enough representation of the movement that is so important to the original piece.
    However, I couldn't come up with anything, so good job!!

  9. You caught the colors from the original painting well. And while I do not see the cowboys, I see the motion throughout the piece, and the beads enhance that sense of motion.


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