Sunday, August 25, 2013

Galactic Billiards

The first thing I did was make stratas in two colorways using 1 1/4" strips of hand dyed and batiks.  I then used my Olfa circle rotary and cut circles in different sizes.  I appliqued these onto a backing of velvet encrusted with glitter using satin stitch.    Next, I layered a deep purple-glitter tulle over all, stitched around the circles, then quilted the background in circles.

I actually had no idea where I was going with this when I started...just chose the colors and went for it.  My husband thinks it looks like billiards...thus "Galactic Billiards".
I have always loved working with circles, and have made many quilts based on circle themes.  I really had fun with this one!

It measures 18"x24"
Comments and critiques welcome and appreciated...Cherie


  1. You have a nice flow of shapes in this piece. The different sizes give a feeling of depth.

  2. This is a really fun piece, I like the way you used circles in the quilting as well as the fabric shapes. The pieces that extend past the edges really give a good feeling of depth, and a sense that they are all floating above a black sky.

  3. Your stripped circles are gorgeous. Good choice on colors too.

  4. This is great interpretation of the circle theme. It makes me think of Jupiter and other planets with colored "belts".


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