Sunday, October 27, 2013

Braque-inspired Still life

Still Life by Braque

Although I was in the middle of several other projects, I could not resist this challenge!

The opportunity to study two of my favorite artists, Braque and Picasso,  along with the chance to play with color, was right up my alley.

I looked at many still lifes by both artists, and chose the one above by Braque as my inspiration. My quilt group is also doing color studies now, so I picked the split complementary of red, and did this piece in red, yellow-greens, and blue-greens. What's not to like?

I couldn't quite make a triangular peach, or a mango with straight lines, but I did simplify my shapes. 

I really had fun with this, and it went together easily.
It is about 15" x 17", all in cottons, fused and quilted.

I would appreciate feedback on ways to improve this.

Factoid: Braque coined the word "collage", from the French word for glue. (I know this is true, because I read it on the Internet.) 


  1. Very nicely done. I love the cheery colors you chose making this a very happy piece. Good interpretation of the challenge. Pam Clark

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So, following our critique guidelines -- 1) I think the strength of this piece is a sense of order you've brought through your own perspective (no pun intended)and clarity of objects that are not as clearly delineated in the original. Also, your color and fabric choices are visually appealing. 2) Even though the table is placed on a dynamic upward angle, the piece offers a sense of serenity, through the ordering and spacing of the objects. 3) I wonder how differently things might have come out if you had abandoned a conventional understanding of the objects on the table and let the shapes be more organic. I know for my piece, which I stated in the posting, it was a challenge to bend my mind around the Cubist concepts,let go, and be as free as I might have wanted. Sometimes we try so hard to make things look like they actually look. I think letting go of that convention was instrumental in the development of Cubism, but so hard to replicate with our modern sensibilities.

    I really like this piece and what it communicates to me. Thanks for creating and sharing.

    Robert Hartley

  4. Robert has said it, in #3, much more eloquently than I could. The sense of serenity described in #2 is a good addition to the piece, as well, as it reduces the visual disturbance I find in the original piece.
    well done.
    Pat F in Winnipeg


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