Friday, November 29, 2013

Just When The Caterpillar Thought The World Was Over...

The quilt is my fable of the butterfly's life cycle with a moral. The leaf, leaf with eggs, the eaten leaf that feeds the caterpillar, Chrysallis and emerging butterfly. The circle represents the world and the bar code is to count blessings!
It was designed in Make the Cut software. A circle and bar code were Boolean joined. Node editing from lines into curves provides a path for caterpillar to transform into a butterfly. It was cut with my electronic cutter and free motion quilted.


  1. Whoa, Meena this is so creative. I love it. Did you say what the size is? You and Marilyn both have taken this challenge and made it your own. Both using so much creativity. Great job.

  2. Very Creative! It works as a piece of art PLUS I think it could be used to teach small children this life cycle.

  3. Thanks. It is 16”x 20”

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