Saturday, December 07, 2013

Hauntingly Familiar

Hand-dyed and commercial cottons, crystals, fusible 
Raw edge fused applique technique 

I finally finished it!  Well almost - it still needs a binding . . .

Based on a photo of my friend, Mauri, at her cubist best with her friend lovingly looking up at her thinking that she looks hauntingly familiar. . .and somehow - she is!  

I had a great time working on this piece and I learned a lot - which is the reason why I joined this challenge list in the first place.  Working on smaller pieces makes it easier to try something new - which this month was to work in raw edge fused applique without tulle on top to hold the fraying down.  

Thank you for this opportunity to participate and share.  I LOVED the cubist slant on the challenge.  It definitely took me out of my comfort zone - in a good way! :-)

Warmest Regards,

Cheryl Casker

P.S. Your comments and critiques are welcome.



  1. Cheryl, what a great way to portray cubism by using quilting squares. I love it.

  2. I love the cubism, too. Great job.


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