Thursday, December 26, 2013

Challenge 88: Water and Wind

Challenge Hostess: Pat Findlay
Title: Water and wind
Theme: Create an image that shows the way the flow of water and/or wind can change things, over time.
Technique:  Free motion quilting
Due date:  Jan. 4, 2014

Both water and wind can move objects, sometimes minute objects, over time.  Sometimes the effect can be as simple as a gentle rain or breeze on our faces, or moving our hair, and is often indicated by repetitive lines or waves.  Over time the effect can be huge.

The result of this type of action can create a sense of awe within in us. Think of the way wind can sculpt a sand dune, or water erode a shore line, over time. Snow drifts can be both beautiful and sometimes a little threatening.  Think of the strata exposed in rock faces eroded by flowing water. You could show the actual action happening or maybe the result of the event over time. 
Similarly, you could use the technique of repetitive lines to show the effect on a skirt,  or even the fur of an animal.


Roxanne Lessa, desert series:  

Archived work of Charlotte Ziebart: 

As well as the above, the usual Google images also show some excellent examples of the repetitive lines and curves that result from the long term effect of wind and water.

Google images of :
            wind effect on snow
            water lines in sand
wind action on sand
strata in rock formations

And one final note: have fun with this!

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