Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Blue Form

This could have been any color, but since the challenge was blue....  Yes, it's sculptural, but note that it is composed of five sections, each of which has backing, batting, and front fabric, all quilted before assembly.  So, is it still an art quilt or quilted art? Do art quilts have to be flat, 2-D?  You make the call.  Feedback is welcomed.

It's 9" tall and approximately 10" wide.  It's not a a soft sculpture; it's hollow.  Contour mesh (aluminum screening) adds structure to the lower portion.

Robert Hartley


  1. Nice to see quilting used in a 3-dimensional format! Love it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a beautiful piece! The fabrics are lovely, and the entire effect is stunning! Is the outer fabric on the base hand-dyed?

  4. Very nice! Have you done this type of work before, or is this a new venture for you?

  5. This is totally FABULOUS! Glad I only specified color. I never thought about something like this. Soooooo creative.

  6. Yes, the outer fabric is hand-dyed. I did it a couple years ago and thought it was the perfect choice when I came across it again in my stash.

    I've worked both dimentionally (in distinct, separate layers, but still basically flat) and sculpturally for a while now. My very first posting on FFFC was a quilted but sculptural piece for the Loop challenge. I enjoy working this way to get out of the box.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Robert Hartley

  7. I love to see someone using the FFFC as a real challenge, and coming up with a truly unique piece,such as this. I think hand dyes always add a certain something to quilted work.

  8. Very nice piece. And I love the shadows in the photography as well.

  9. I like your forays into 3-D, Robert, and love the look of this piece. I wonder if it a glass of water could be set inside so that it could really be used as a vase.

  10. Beautiful 3d . Your photography is excellent. It adds so much to the piece when one can't see it in person.

  11. Great shape. I don't have a clue how you made it.


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