Sunday, March 16, 2014

Trillium Grandiflorum

It is almost Spring in Michigan and that can mean only one thing – it's trillium time! Trillium grandiflorum, also known as the great white trillium, are low growing woodland flowers that are one of my favorite signs that Spring has finally decided to grace us with Her presence.

I love traipsing through the woods in search of these rare and delicate little flowers. In creating this piece, I used a photo that I took in 2012 in Columbus, Michigan (St. Clair County) on the eastern side of the state. Set against a mottled, impressionistic background of woodland decay, this delicate little flower offers the promise of more Spring beauty yet to come.

I hope that you enjoy this piece as much as I enjoyed finding the trillium inspiration for it. We still have lots of snow here - several feet in many places, but the grass is trying really hard to poke its way through in many others. . .that can only mean that the trillium can't be too far behind. 

14.5" x 17“
Raw-edge fused applique
Hand dyed and commercial cottons, tulle, pencils and paint

Sign me. . .

Anxiously awaiting Spring.

Cheryl Casker

Your comments and critiques are welcome.


  1. What a lovely piece Cheryl! The play of the beautiful flower against the carpet of leaves is stunning. I love the broken inner frame, and your stitching is excellent. I love this one!

  2. A very nice contrast in the green and white against the brown of the old leaves, Cheryl, and lovely use of stitching for the veins of the trillium. And thanks for such a timely challenge!

  3. This is GORGEOUS! Love the inner frame.


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