Friday, April 25, 2014

Challenge 92: Aspiration

Challenge Host: Tobi Hoffman
Title:  Aspiration
Theme: Illustrate your goals
Technique: Limited palette
Due date: May 3, 2014

1)       a hope or ambition of achieving something.  “He had nothing tangible to back up his literary aspirations”
Synonyms: desire, hope, dream, wish, longing, yearning
2)      (medicine) the action or process of drawing breath.

How do you show your highest ideals, your greatest triumphs?  How can you stretch yourself to achieve what is deepest in your heart, to fulfill your deepest yearnings?  Let your quilt this month express these.

If possible, before you start work on this, sit down in some quiet place and meditate for 15-20 minutes on the seed idea of aspiration, and without trying to force an idea, see what comes.  Then write down any thoughts and develop them in your quilt.  Remember that the word “aspiration” also relates to breath; in your meditation, keep your breath deep, slow and even, but after the first few breaths, do not focus on it.

One note on this: aspiration need not be linked to religious belief.  You may choose to embody the guidance of your religion, but aspiration is not limited to the religious.

Technique:  Restrict your colors to three that go with your thoughts on your ideals.  This is not an absolute ban on other colors; if they are a minor part of the fabrics, let them in!

Aspiration through art:
A lengthy article – you may or may not agree with him, but it gives food for thought.


Quotes about Aspiration

Deborah Corsini

I am deliberately including only the one actual art reference, as your aspirations are yours, by definition, and your inspiration will come from you and not others!

And one more thing: have fun with this! :)

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