Thursday, June 19, 2014

Purple Sunset

18" x 21"

While late, this was a fast project nonetheless, started Wednesday June 11th, finished Wednesday June 18th.

I had just gotten back on the 10th from two weeks away, and found a packet of purple fat quarters, so I added them to my bag o' fabric which I brought to the guild room for "Open Paint" day Wednesday.  A friend had a photo of a seaside sunset which caught my eye, and I set out to try to recreate that scene.

I rearranged elements a bit, and put the sailboat closer to center rather enlarged -- which then meant that I needed to put in a larger building than the little one I had inserted.  Then the tree at left didn't feel right, and it got overlaid with a larger tree with just a bit of outlining.  The yellow part of the sunset was then overlaid with just a bit of Angelina fiber, and it was done!  I took it the evening after I finished it to the meeting of the Framingham Artists Guild, where it won the "Art of the Month" award!

I look forward to your comments.

1 comment:

  1. I like this, Tobi! You took the elements you wanted from the photo, and made it your own design. The colours work well. I have always had a soft spot for silhouette against colour, especially when it is done well.
    Pat F in Winnipeg


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