Thursday, August 21, 2014

Challenge #96: September Holidays

Fast Friday Fabric Challenge 96, August 22, 2014
Challenge Hostess: Catherine Lewis
Title:  September Holidays
Theme:  Celebrate a Holiday!
Technique:  Any
Due date:  Aug. 30, 2014

"Congratulations! You have been chosen to create a poster for one of the holidays celebrated during the month of September.  Browse through the lists and when you see a holiday that catches your eye, tugs at your heart or simply tickles your funny bone, let your imagination and creativity loose to run wild.  
Anything goes for this challenge! Use bright colors or somber, an abstract design or a very realistic one.  Let the "mood" of the holiday you chose tell you in which direction to go, no matter how quirky that direction may be! You may choose any holiday that you like, whether it's a monthly, weekly or daily observance. All I ask is that it grabs the viewer's attention and truly represents the meaning of the holiday. 
Words are optional on your poster, if you can convey the meaning of the holiday without them, that's fine, although I would be interested in seeing unique ways to add them if you choose to do so.

The only real requirement for this challenge is that you have fun doing it!

A list of normal and not so normal holidays may be found here:

As you may imagine, it is a bit hard to find art or quilts to serve as inspiration for this challenge, but I have found a few to share with you. Of course these are all not so fast quilts to make, but they are just to inspire! 

This would be great for Read a Book'll need to scroll down to see it, the second quilt: 

Global Warming quilt:

This would be good art to use for National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day: or,

And if none of the September “holidays” appeal to you, make up your own!

And one more thing: have fun with this! :)

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