Thursday, August 07, 2014

Ominous Strangers

I machine-basted three pieces of fabric together and tried Matisse’s improvisational style of cutting, but having shapes in mind based on Eric Freitas’ steampunk clocks (which are really fascinating, and you should check them out).

When the pieces were cut, un-basted, and laid out, they seemed to suggest one of those scenes from an old western where a trio of silhouetted, gun-slinging hombres saunters into town…possibly with ill intent -- hence the name.  Before machine appliqueing the figures, a watery wash was added at the bottom of the background fabric to hint at shadows and a foundation so the pieces wouldn’t just float on the white background.

The piece is 22” x 28”.  Feedback is welcomed.
Robert Hartley


  1. I love this! It has an ominous feeling, like something big is about to happen. The shadows are perfect and add to that feeling. It is very minimalist, thus the figures are in high focus. Do you consider it finished?

  2. I've never been a minimalist, nor have I used much white in previous pieces, so it does feel like it needs more...I'm just not sure what the "more" should be. I almost think it needs a border for framing and added visual interest. Suggestions?


  3. This brings new dimension to the concept of paper cutouts. I would subtitle it "three amigos"
    The colors are striking, and the gray shadow adds to the tension of the atmosphere! Great piece!

  4. What a startling piece! The jaggedness and the somewhat but not quite human shapes give it the ominous feel of a horror film. A great job, though I would not choose it for my home decor!


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