Thursday, September 25, 2014

Challenge #97: Barcode Art

Fast Friday Fabric Challenge 97, September 26, 2014
Challenge Hostess: Meena Schaldenbrand
Title: Barcode Inspiration
Theme:  Use of barcodes
Technique: High contrast fun
Due date: October 4, 2014

Barcodes are composed of black and white thick and thin lines on many purchased products. UPC barcodes use strong lines. QR barcodes use geometric shapes.
For challenge # 97, use barcodes to create high contrast fiber art. 
What do bar codes mean?   UPC is short for Universal Product Code, 12-digit barcode which allows retailers to manage sales of a product. UPC codes are valid in the United States and Canada.  EAN codes are a 13-digit barcodes valid in all other countries. 
QR codes (Quick Response codes)
Other Art Examples:
12 Coolest Works of Barcode Art by Grace Murano

Art in Aisle 5: Barcodes Enter Expressionist Period
And one more thing -- have fun with this!

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