Thursday, December 25, 2014

Challenge 100: What Have I Missed?

Challenge 100, December 26, 2014

Challenge Hostess: Tobi Hoffman and 49 others
Title:  What have I missed?
Theme:  Finding the best of the past challenges
Technique:  Any
Due date:  January 3, 2015 – or whenever you finish!

The Fast Friday Fabric Challenge started back in September 2006, and our final challenge presents a time for a retrospective.  There is no member who has done and posted every challenge, so for this one hundredth challenge, I ask everyone to look back through the previous 99, and select a theme from one challenge and a technique from another – or combine themes and techniques from several of them, as many as you want, and whatever parts from any of the challenges that you want.  We all have learned to use various aspects that have enhanced our work, both for these challenges and for other projects, and I hope it has been an enjoyable and profitable experience.

Feel free also to look through all that has been posted – but be warned that this is eye candy that consists of 1820 published posts (including this one, of course).  100 are the challenges themselves, and 5 are “how to post” instructions, but that leaves 1715 pieces of art!  While you’re at it, feel free to add critiques for those that catch your eye.

And while this may be the final challenge, if you ever feel to come back for something further to do, this one is always open for you!

Resources: - the link to all the challenges.  Because most of the challenges themselves contain links, and because it would make no sense to do so, I am not including any other links.

And one more thing: have fun with this! :) 

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