Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Autumn Blues

I've posted my piece Autumn Blues. It measures 21x28 inches.

My inspiration was the the bright blues of the sky during the fall.

My extra challenge to myself was only to pull from my scrap box - no cutting into fat quarters are any yardage.

This is so cool - I've been taking some design class for the past two years and have focused on leaves - this year I plan to branch out. Anyway so the subject matter was perfect for me. I met the 3D aspect by painting dryer sheets and using copper wire to relieve them from the surface. I used scale to show perspective for the leaves and sky. Also I spaced my quilting to hopefully give some perspective.

Lisa - In Sunny Seattle


  1. Hi Lisa, The blues are gorgeous! I'd really like to see this piece in is hard to get the effect of the leaves in the photo. The quilting lines are very effective in showing movement and depth. The only suggestion I would have is relating to the positioning and coloration of the leaves...they might look more like a big whoosh of wind picked them up if they were more random and less lined up. And a stronger coloration (value or intensity)could make the leaves really pop against those great blues. I'll look forward to seeing more of your work!

  2. Hello Lisa,

    Very nice bright blues ....reminds me of the sky on a crisp day. What did you make the leaves from and how did you attach them? The quilting gives it a sense of movement.

    The angle of the picture doesn't show this piece to it's potential. I bet it is wonderful in person.


  3. Hi Lisa - I think the pieced background is lovely. The swirling quilting gives a nice sense of motion. The leaf colors are pleasing too. I think perhaps the piece could benefit from more leaves with a wider variety of colors and sizes - I think some deeper colors as well as some brighter colors might give it a bit more punch. On the other hand, it is fine just as it is. Sometimes I want too much punch!


  4. Wonderful pieced background. The size of the blocks and the arrangement of the values (smaller and lighter/less contrast to the top left) add a good deal of perspective/depth. The quilting lines too.

    I agree about the leaves needing to be more random so they look like the wind is swirling them around. I've never worked with dryer sheets myself. They almost seem too transparent to be leaves. If something were layered under them, you would have the added benefit of more interest with different autumn shades peeking through.

    I would also like to see the photo taken straight on, to show it off to its best.


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