Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Last Holdout

I already know that there needs to be improvement in the binding process...what a wavy mess!

I tried to fix the original piece (without tree or leaf) by adding a focal point.

Any suggestions welcome.



  1. I moved the picture for you so your artist statement and picture are together in one post.

    As for a critique, the colors are fantastic! I love the background color and the way the reds, yellow, and oranges play off of it.

    From the picture the binding doesn't look that off, so maybe that is just the self critic in you. And as you have stated, the quilt does need a focal point. Right now my eyes tend to wander all over the top.

    I do like it though, and again the colors are beautiful!

    What size is the finished work?

  2. Thanks for taking the time to comment. The sixe is 8.5 x 11.
    Thanks for moving my picture too. I posted my comments before I realized I could have added the picture.

    A learning process all the way around!

  3. Hi Marlene,
    I really like the color scheme and placement in your piece. It's very textural and fun confetti. I'd love to see a stronger contrast on the tree so it stands out more.

  4. Hi Marlene - there is a lot going on in this little piece. You've pulled together wonderful autumn colors for the leaves and a pleasing sky background. I saved your picture into Picasa and opened it in black and white. That exercise tells me that there seem to be too many mid-tone colors including the tree branches so they tend to blend into one another and we lose the tree. You might wish to try either a really dark fabric for the branches or a really light one - like a paper white birch might be. Either would give the tree more presence. I love all the leaves swirling and twirling.


  5. The image is really pixellated. It's hard to tell what's going on. I wish I could see it better.

    I agree that the confetti feeling of the leaves is fun. I like the variety of shapes and sizes you've used. It's very evenly placed however. If there were less of them in patches the composition would have more interest.

  6. Thanks for your comments....yes, I agree, the tree needs to be darker. I am not going to do anything more with it at this point as it was just an exercise for me. But I shall use all the comments for guidance in future quilts.



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