Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Challenge #1 - Suggestions

Hi again,
I just read a comment posted by Jean, and she asked about my thought process in putting together my colors & fabrics in this way.

Well... there is a story there, so I thought that I would post it in the body so everyone could see it. (and i cant figure out how to reply to a post!)

The fabrics came from a grab bag of Starr fabrics that I purchased in Chicago. They have several color combinations and I just love the "Harvest" Colors. Fall is my favorite season.

I had the bag out to show someone and i thought that it would be a perfect source for my challenge piece. And it would force me to stick within a set limit of options for color. I have a serious issue with over working anything that i am working on. I just keep at it until it's a mess....

Anyway, I had my color set (after filtering through the bag and cherry picking), what i needed next was a design. My fist choice was leaves and trees, but i thought that many people would be looking in that direction. I usually do projects were the subject is clearly identifiable, I think it comes form too many years of life drawing classes. Suffice it to say , I have a hard time doing anything abstract(in fact i keep thinking, "what if i put beads on in a leaf shape...). So, I thought I would attempt to do something completely different and work with rectangles. although I stuck to the organic shape when i was quiting, I had to counter my rectangles with curves...couldn't help it.

I hope that this answers your questions Jean, oh and it does not have a title yet....any suggestions?


  1. Hi Lys, what wonderful colors and fabrics and the quilting is great! Is that trapunto? There's a good feeling of texture and depth with all the hills, valleys and shadows. This feels a bit like an abstract without a focal point. What would it look like with one or more rectanglar shapes oriented vertically to break up the horizontal lines? It could be separate quilted/embellished pieces attached or couched threads or found objects or ?

    Whatever you do, if you do add something, be sure to post another photo!

  2. Your machine quilting is amazing!

    The colors are beautiful and warm, my eye definately gets drawn to the blue.

    The only thing it needs is a binding. I would love to see a picture showing the edges of the quilt.

  3. Very graphic, clean, well-balanced design--great for showing off your amazing quilting! I love the colors, (jewel tones are my personal favorite).

    The photo looks like it's a detail shot because it doesn't show the edges. I would like to see borders, perhaps a small one in the royal blue and then a really large border beyond that, think Amish quilt. It makes me wonder what creative ways there might be to attach it to a separate background (I don't know how you've finished it). This could give a sense of 3-D with your piece layered over a background (more space for your wonderful quilting).

    You could even have it framed with a large mat and a simple frame. It would look very much like modern art.

    Have you ever used hot-fix Swavorski crystals? You could sprinkle some of them throughout the top at the tips of some of the quilted swirls for example. (They're quicker and easier than beading and look great.)

  4. Hi Lys - this is such an eye-catching piece. I like the rich colors - they connect with the brilliance of fall so well. Your swirling quilting is a great addition. I really like the suggestion from the "Diva of Quilts" to add Swarovski crystals. They would add a bit of shimmer that would further enhance this work.

    Looking forward to seeing more,


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  6. I absolutely love your quilting on this piece. I also like the use of color. Did you have a title for it? What was your thought process when deciding to put these fabrics together in this way?

    Jean DeSavage


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