Monday, October 09, 2006

Spiraling into Winter is paper pieced with 9 cotton fabrics. It was pieced in four 1/2-square triangles--2 of them reversed. This is a method I have done before but am working at getting things square and a with visible motion. It is machine quilted with King Tut thread. This is the first time I've used the thread and was extremely pleased with it. The quiltlet is small--only 9 3/4 inches square.

I had a good time with this challenge. Comments welcome.



  1. The center vertical line is tilted slightly which does give it a spiraling feeling. The diamond shape in the center tilted in the same directions adds to the feeling.

    My eye is drawn out toward the bright colors, but is pulled back toward the center by the dark color in in the center.

    The leaf quilting adds character to the quilt, fits nicely with the color theme, and contrasts nicely with the straight lines.

    Nicely done.

  2. Hi Sally,
    I love the textures you've achieved with quilting and the variety of patterned fabrics. The center feels like an abyss, so the depth element is very successful in my opinion. I think the binding even helps with the feeling of depth by boxing it in.

  3. Sally,
    Both depth and motion achieved! The colors are wonderfully fall and as Linda said, your eye travels in and out. I love it all!

  4. Wonderful fabric choices... I get a swirling feeling when I look at this and really feel pulled in.

    Great piece!


  5. I would second everything the rest have said- nice job!

  6. Beautiful colors, the depth of the piece is wonderful!

    Amazing quilting, nice complimenting binding... all in all a great job!

  7. Wonderful focal point and sense of depth with the dark center. Interesting to look at because the dark center draws the eye in and the bright yellow, red and orange bring it out again. It's hard to take your eyes away!

    Great choice and variety of fabrics, skillful piecing, binding and quilting (also great quilting design, by the way). There's not a thing I would change! I suppose you could always add a few crystal beads here and there to catch the light, but its not necessary. (Can you tell I'm a serious bead-a-holic?)

  8. Hi Sally - Well done! The vibrant colors of the perimeter meet up with the dark center and create a nice depth to focus the eye. To me there is something very soothing about that dark center after the richness outside it. And the quilting does such a nice job of drawing the eye into the center. I could look at this piece for a long time.



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