Sunday, October 01, 2006

Road to the Sun

I thought as long as I was doing postcards to exchange I'd do one to show depth with at least some autumn colors. It's 4" x 6" titled "Road to the Sun".

Jan Johnson


  1. Good job Jan.
    the road gives depth.
    the sun and the birds give motion!

  2. Love it. The sun is terrific!

  3. Great use of fibers and the colors are great. The sun is my favorite part!

    I love the dark brown road against the yellow field.

    The only change I can suggest is to add a bird or two to the other side of the sun to help balance the sky.

    Your pc is very pretty.

  4. Jan - your quilt is pleasing to my eye. I particularly like the way the road dips and curves and leads the eye on to the birds and sun. Your use of color as well as the narrowing road gives a nice feeling of depth.


  5. Hi Jan, it's unanimous...we love the sun! I also enjoy the contrast in textures of your fabrics and quilting...from the grass like strands to the yellow pebble texture to the smooth mountains. I look forward to seeing more of your work

  6. I agree--wonderful sun!
    Good choice in fabric and colors--the darker/larger prints in front to smaller lighter in back adds a sense of depth.

    The eye moves nicely through your piece, from the sun to the birds then down the road. Nice quilting in the sky too.

    The only thing I would do differently (this is hard though because you have chosen great fabrics) is to try to give more value contrast between the road and grass--if you squint your eyes they are nearly the same value and blend into each other--maybe darken the road by paint or ink? and decrease the value contrast between the yellow pebbles and the brown road (because contrast decreases as things get further away)--maybe a sheer overlay over them both?


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