Sunday, October 01, 2006

Autumn Shimmer

The photo was the inspiration for Autumn Shimmer.
As with all inspirations, I choose what I wanted from the photos and discarded the rest. The trees on the treeside are made with a fringe foot, which is also called a tailor tack foot. The fringe foot allows the thread to form loops over a metal area of the foot. It is open in the back so the fringe slips off easily.
The sun is made from bondable Angelina fibers. The fibers will bond to themselves, but not the rubber stamp that was used to make the impression. I stitched the sun to the quilt using invisible thread and left some of the threads of the angelina that was not bonded to the stamp form the sun rays.
I choose a journal size to work with, so the quilt was finished in a couple of hours. What Fun.
Priscilla Stultz ebay store: priscilla's creations


  1. You have done a great job in recreating the fence and stones! I like the sun and love the color you used for the sky.

    The tree line is nice and adds the texture for the 3D part. I would suggest not using that brown for the grass/ground. It is hard to find the fence since there is little contrast.

    I think the design is very good, but it does need more contrast between the fence and grass.

  2. Priscilla - I have a feeling I would enjoy this little quilt more in person - the lack of contrast between the ground and the fence makes the foreground less interesting than I think it probably is in reality. You might wish to add some thread work over the fence to increase the contrast - just some light colored highlights to pop the fence away from the ground.

    I really like the angelina sun and the way you used the stamp to give the sun a face. And the fringe is a great idea. I'll borrow that idea one of these days.


  3. Hi Priscilla, You've got some very interesting techniques and effects in this piece. The texture is outstanding! I have the same comment about the value contrast on the ground...did you intend for the rocks or the fence to be the focal point? My eye is drawn to the rocks because it's the greatest value contrast, but I think the fence is the part that adds the perspective and depth, but it isn't very visible. I look forward to seeing more of your work. I appreciate your descriptive write up on your techniques, thank you.

  4. You have a wonderful sun too! Everyone must be enjoying sunny autumn days.

    The textured hills are great and I like the way the fence curves around.

    I think you would be even more pleased if you increased the value contrast in the foreground. You could use highlights of shimmery paint like Lumiere, some clusters of light-colored beads, or small patches of sheer overlay here and there to suggest dappled sunlight.


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