Sunday, October 08, 2006

Fall by Joanna Strohn

I would very much appreciate comments on my quiltlet "Fall". I am new to art/abstract quilting and eager to learn. I'm mostly self-taught between books, and a few classes. I have not had any art training since high school though I had a career where I had overall responsibility for the advertising materials I created. But quilting is a bit different that having a large art staff at my command!

My construction steps are here.

Please see the comments below the photos for my thoughts as I did this project.

I'm considering adding a few beads at the tops of the leaves. Thoughts on that?

Thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts.

-- Joanna in Tucson


  1. It's me again. I think beads would be great but I don't know as they are necessary.

  2. The first thing that caught my eye was the wonderful sense of movement. Everything really does look like it's falling.

    Second is the leaves are great! I like that some of them are not completely sewn down. That adds dimension and interest. Also good is the leaves that stick out over the edge. I'm definitely going to have to try snippets now.

    Third is good color palette. I love that it's not all warm (red-orange-yellow). The dark purple and light green add good contrast.

    If there was anything I would change it would be to try to get the corners pushed out better so they're all the same. Beads at the tops of the leaves would look great, but it looks great without it too!

  3. Hi Joanna, I really like your've captured the feeling of fall. Even the boxes are falling. Gorgeous colors and how you've placed the colors is balanced and pleasing. I love the background and the separate elements and how the leaves extend off the edges. I don't think it needs beading on the leaves. A couple what-if questions come to mind. (I don't know the answers... they are just something to consider)

    What if there were an odd number of boxes and they were varying sizes?

    What if there were fewer leaves?

    What if there were more background quilting?

    It's a lovely piece and I look forward to seeing more of your work!

  4. Wonderful choice on the background fabric! I love the 4 pieced blocks and the feeling of movement they give.

    The leaves in green and red are nice, but I must be honest and say there should be more or fewer of them. One of those gut feelings where the balance is off.

    I love how you used the "pillow case" method to finish it. A binding may have weighed it down, so excellent choice.

    I like the playful way some of the leaves are dangling off the edge of the quilt.

    This quilt is really pretty and you have done a wonderful job capturing autumn!

  5. Hi Joanna - it is so much fun to hear what different quilters have to say - I too like your work - boxes, leaves, colors, use of background fabric. Like calicodaydreams above I have a feeling that the quilt needs something but of course my eyes see differently. I think it might benefit from another leaf set sewn on in the triangle formed between the top and second block. Actually your piece is absolutely wonderful just as it is - it just makes me realize how we each see from our own perspective. What is cluttered to one is spare to another and what is balanced to one is out of whack to someone else. Thanks for sharing your work.



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