Monday, October 09, 2006

Rose Glow Fields

By Joe I think I've got it..... a post on the group site!

Thanks for the help !

This piece is 13 by 15.

I will appreciate any input.

Jacque Posted by Picasa


  1. Hi Jacque,
    That is one of the prettiest skies I've ever seen! Very colorful piece...I really like it. There's a good feeling of depth in the very foreground and in the sky. I think if the middle ground pieces were more angled (like the foreground), there might be more depth in that area too. There's alot of cool textures going on with your different quilting, the tree and the patterned fabric. Good job! I look forward to seeing more of your work. I'm glad you got your blog access straightened out, too

  2. The sky is a beautiful piece of batik fabric I keep for special occasions.... : ) I meandered the quilting horizontally.

  3. The sky is beautiful! I love the sun peeking thru the waves of orange and red.

    The textures of the quilt are nice, and the colors fantastic.

    The only thing I would change is the 4 trees on the horizon. They blend with the background and I wish they would stand out more.

    You have made a very pretty fall quilt!

  4. Hi Jacque - This work has a lot going for it - the sky fabric pulls everything together, the paths give a sense of depth and the quilting gives a good texture to the sky and the ground. I like the way you varied it for the different areas. Is your tree in the corner applique' or is it thread-painting? I can't quite tell from the picture but it appears to have more depth than I would expect from a flat piece of fabric. Nice work.


  5. I did the tree by thread painting on solvy and then stitiching it on.

  6. Beautiful color palette. The touches of deep green are a nice contrast to the reds and oranges. The strips of fabric getting narrower in the distance adds to the sense of depth.

    It's very engaging to look at. I find my eyes traveling back and forth and all around. I like that you didn't add any borders. It's wonderful the way it is.


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