Thursday, October 19, 2006

Posting to this blog...

If you are having trouble posting your challenge quilt, this is the post for you!
Go to and sign in.
You will be taken to your "dashboard".
On the dashboard, click the green plus
sign to create a post.

This will bring you to a WYSIWYG editor.
Click the button in the tool window that looks like a little landscape next
to the spell check.
This will open a new window that will allow you to
upload pictures.
Click "browse" and search your computer for the picture of
your quilt.
Select how you would like the picture to look~ small image or
large, and do you want it centered or to one side?
Click upload image.

It may take a few moments to upload your picture if you did not resize it. Be patient!
When the picture is uploaded, that screen will change to show a blue "done" button. Click it!
That window should disappear and the picture should be in your wysiwyg editor.

Below the picture type your description. Include the size of the piece, your artist statement, ask any questions you might have of your fellow critiquers.

When all is said and done, click the orange "publish post" button on the bottom.
This will take a moment, so let it load. When you get a 100% message, click the tab above that says "view blog". This will open the FFFC blog in a new window.

Many people use Picassa!

It is a wonderful program and makes creating posts a simple process. Simply visit the website by clicking here and download the program. Further help with this program can be found on their website.

They have a special button just for blogger users that says "blog this". When you select your quilt pictures, click the blog this button and make sure that you are posting to the FFFC blog. Type your artist statement and publish.

It is really a great program.


To comment/critique on the quilts of others, click the comment link below their post. It will open a window for you to type your response to their quilt.


This blog is just for FFFC quilts! Please do not post pictures of other quilts on this blog. Those will be removed. Please post only pictures of quilts made for FFFC challenges.


You can also send an e-mail to Tobi or Cynthia with questions or problems!

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