Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Art show quilt

As requested here is a picture of the art quilt I entered and won best in category and best in show...not the best picture... but here it is as it hangs at the show. Posted by Picasa


  1. This is not a fast friday challenge quilt!!!

    I have to apologize... I am not sure how this ended up on this blog page I was trying to send it to my own.

    Please forgive me.... can I take it off here?


  2. Beautiful and I loved seeing it anyhow!

  3. Jacque (aka Onion Woman) - you are among friends. So how about just leaving the quilt here for us to enjoy? It even has fall colors and it is a beauty. Thanks for sharing your prize winner.


  4. Don't take this down. Leave it up -- for inspiration. First it is a fabulous quilt. Second it won Blue Ribbons! And it looks like it won amonst other mediums! Bravo! Fiber Wins! Congrats!
    Tell us more about the show!

  5. Congrats on your win and this great quilt!

    I am going to leave this post up for a few days since everyone does want to see your beautiful quilt you have been talking about.

    In a week or so I will remove it as we are trying to keep this blog just for FFFC challenge quilts.

    Your quilt is stunning though! The colors are wonderful and it looks so great displayed on that wall with the lights shining right on it. Beautiful quilt!


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