Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Grasshoppers Beware

It was a dark and eerie night and the Jabberwocky was on the Prowl.

That was the feeling I was trying to portray.

Betty Donahue


  1. The fabric you chose for the sky is perfect for the churning evil of night. I like the frightened bird taking flight in the distance. It helps to draw the viewer to the back of the quilt.


  2. PennySue Irwin, the jabberwocky really is 3-D.
    Betty Donahue

  3. Hi Betty, This is a very lush, rich quilt full of all kinds of great detail. Great job! My only comment is...I wish there was a bit more value contrast between the monster and the ground fabric so I could see him better. Very clever use of the "sky" fabric..that's a floral isn't it?


  4. Hi Cynthia--

    Did you click on it to make it larger? If you do it shows up a little better and it shows up much better in real life. The sky isn't really a floral. It has cloud-like shapes in it.

  5. Wonderful choice of fabrics. Your composition is well balanced and keeps the eye moving throughout the quilt. I like how the dragon's tail runs off into the border. Sometimes less contrast is a great choice, as you have done here. It makes things all the more mysterious. I would love to see it in person to get a better look at all the details (yes I did make it larger, some quilts you just need to see in person to get the full effect).


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