Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Jabberwocky & the Lost Green Pigs

finished size: 9 X 13
raw-edge applique
angelina fibers
free-motion quilting

Attempting to interpret this poem in an abstract way was truly a challenge for me. I came up with a mental picture of a vicious tree with waving clawlike branches. I was surprised at how many of us incorporated an image of a tree gone bad. My tree was sliced in two places to show that it had been conquered by the vorpal sword (that shiny angelina sliver) and was losing its lifeblood. When I was almost done, I remembered that we were supposed to be showing texture - so my texture is a fuzzy length of red yarn and some green beads; the beads represent the lost green pigs that were mentioned in one of the translations of the poem. There is also lots of quilted texture with pointy shapes. I will appreciate any comments.




  1. Roberta...very striking quilt. I love the movement of the "tree" as well as the dynamics of the slashing lines. Nice composition, too. Good job!

  2. Roberta...I keep coming back to your piece. I like it very much,but I can't express why. I just feel it when I see it! Make sense? Sonja

  3. Hi Roberta,
    Wow, I really like this! The coloration is masterful and lots of good value contrast which makes for a striking piece. The straight line pieces against the curved lines of the tree and the background quilting add so much interest and mystery. No's too good as it is!

  4. Great job! There's so much action in the composition I can almost see the elements moving. That's what struck me most about your piece. I wouldn't change a thing.

    Just one question about the Angelina, does it really come in metallic silver, or is that a camera illusion?

  5. Hi Laura - yes, the angelina fibers come in silver. I started out fusing about a 7" square of silver angelina with some vague idea of making silver triangles to line up across the bottom - I love it that I kept cutting and cutting until all I used was a tiny sliver. But of course I kept all the rest - love to have things just waiting to be included in another project.

    Thank you for your comments on my piece - and thanks to Penny, Sonja and Cynthia too.


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