Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Time Traveler's Wife

The first line from this book is "Clare: It's hard being left behind". I read it cover-to-cover on a Panama Canal cruise with my mother in February 2003. I tried to create a mood of loneliness and abandonment, which is how Clare felt everytime her husband left her. She never knew when he would return, nor at what age she would see him. (If you haven't read this book that last statement probably made no sense!) Anyway, I like the feeling the quilt has, but it needs some help. The lower right corner looks empty. Does anyone have any thought son this?


  1. Hi Ann,

    I really love your quilt! I read that book too, and know just what you meant. I love the way you're drawn into the picture, only to feel silent abandon. I wouldn't add anything at all, as I think it would become busy, and thus lose the lonely feeling.

    Good job...Cherie

  2. Thanks Cherie, and I am glad you read the book. It does make more sense if you have. I really don't want to make the quilt too busy. Maybe leaving it as is is the right thing to do...

  3. Great job on the composition! The eye curves back and forth nicely throughout your piece (the cloud formation flows into the green hills which point down to the shells and boats which point to the foreground plant. I wouldn't place anything in the right hand corner, the eye needs resting places that are not so busy, otherwise focal points are everywhere and the eyes don't know where to look first.

    What I really like about your piece is the border treatment: how it reflects the picture, how the plant overlaps it, and the miters.

    Another thing that's nice is how you portrayed the loneliness, yet still used vivid colors. It's a soothing sort of loneliness, not depressing.

  4. Hi Ann - I looked at your quilt before reading the line from the book. It gave me a feeling of time suspended, waiting. Then I read your line and was just amazed how you had achieved that feeling. I think the composition is outstanding - I would neither add nor subtract anything from it.

    The way you have added the borders to continue the piece while enveloping it really adds to the special feeling it evokes.

    Super work.


  5. Hi Ann, This is one of my all time favorite books, too. I like how you captured the loneliness...empty boats on a deserted beach...very effective. Good composition, I wouldn't add anything and would even consider taking away the big shell on the beach. I also like the textures you achieved with your fabric choices and the added threadwork on the shore, waves and cliff. That as well as the boat shadows and the plant in the foreground give this piece alot of depth.

    I can't see the quilting it quilted?

    I look forward to seeing more of your work!


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