Thursday, February 01, 2007

Breakfast Table Still Life

8 X 10
Raw edge applique
Shiva Paintstiks
Free motion quilting

This challenge was fun. The hardest part was deciding what items were going into my picture. I finally gave up and photographed what was already sitting on the breakfast table. I enjoyed using the Paintstiks except I forgot they had to dry for a while and made the mistake of pressing the little quilt. Just a bit of a mess. I also want to announce that I finished the edges with a satin stitch - I always put on a tidy little binding so wah hah I've gone wild.

Any comments or suggestions you share will be appreciated. Thanks, Roberta


  1. Your gourd fabric is perfect. Great dimension on everything. The abstract on the back was a fun idea. I love both sides. How will you hange it? A sleeve will cover everything up. What did you use for the shadows on the abstract side?

  2. Thanks for your comment Linda. I think this piece won't hang - it would take the fun out of the back. It will probably sit in the music rack on my piano where it can be picked up. I like to make an occasional surprise on the back so people tend to turn my work over.

    The shadows on the abstract side are made from a sheer black organza backed with black misty fuse. I'm glad they were recognizable as shadows - didn't know if anyone would see them for what I intended.

  3. I love the way you captured the light on the apples. They look like you could pick them up and take a bite from them.

  4. Hi Roberta, Looks like you rose to the challenge...good job! You certainly chose challenging objects like the candle, banana and book and got a nice result. A couple things to consider:

    The light reflections on the gourd are a straight-on view...would it look better off-centered to the right (like the photo and what you did with the apples)?

    I see you used your artistic license to re-color the candle for more variety and contrast...did you consider different backgrounds, too?

    Did you consider more dramatic cropping? This composition looks good to me...but boy does it look great cropped way down, too!

    I know you like to get comments, so here they opinions as always!

    I'm seeing wonderful things coming from you, Roberta...keep it up!

  5. I love the background quilting. Great shadows and highlights. The small orange square on the wall (is it meant to be a painting? it could be a sunset on the beach.) really brings a good sense of depth, as if it's in a large room and the wall is far away. The reverse side is wonderful--so full of life and fun! The only thing I would change is to crop the composition more on the bottom edge. I learned on my piece when you do that it really brings the composition close-up.

    Your satin stitched edge is inspiring--maybe I'll finish mine off that way and really be done!
    laura k


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