Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tina's Cropped Still Life

This is my cropped still life. I used all commercial fabrics, but to get the shadowing I used neocolor II watercolor crayons. I think it worked great! I also used a zig zag stitch around the edge to catch a brown and green yarn for some interest instead of a traditional binding. Would love comments. tmrey@echoes.net



  1. The fabrics you picked out are wonderful. They give your quilt a totally different character that the photo doesn't have.

    Your original photo doesn't have any strong shadows, but has a bit more variation than the quilt. Your apple might loook more round dimensional if you had shaded the edges a bit darker. Look at the shading in your photo of the indents on the end of the apple.

    You have put just enough shading beneath the apple and the colander so I can see that they are sitting on a table.

    The quilt seems a bit heavy on the left side. It would be better balanced if you added something to the bottom right corner. Maybe just the top of another apple, or another red bowl.

    I like your ziz-zag quilting on the table and the yarn trim. Both add wonderful texture.

  2. what great observations. I love the dimension I got, but knew it was still flat and couldnt figure out why! I love it when someone see's something I cant - too close to it. I am going to play with it and see if I can do what you suggest to give the apples more depth!
    Thank you so much for your compliments and critique!

  3. Hello Tina - I think the way you cropped the bowl of apples is quite effective. The zig zag stitch to emphasize the boards of the table also works really well.

    What if you added a bit of red with your watercolor crayons to your apples to make them a bit more dimensional as well as to give them a little more variation?

    I copied this picture into Picasa and cropped it even further than you already have - cut it nearly in half so the bottom of the bowl and part of the apple disappeared. You might look at that approach and see what you think. I'm learning a lot about the value of cropping with this challenge. Now I am going to go look at mine with new eyes!


  4. Hi Tina,
    Love the coloration and textures of the rustic table top. The green of the apple really pops against the neutrals. I'd like to see another element and some shading on the apple like the others suggested, too. The yarn edging is a nice finish to that great table top...plays into the texture very well.

  5. Wonderful choices of fabric and quilting! The composition is very lively and engaging. I think it would be fun to show part of an apple near the bottom right corner as if they were rolling off the table. Red highlights on the apple would also look tie the warm tones on the bowl in.
    laura k


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