Monday, February 26, 2007

Deep Purple

When the deep purple falls over sleepy garden walls
And the stars begin to twinkle in the sky...
I had such fun making this little quilt. I really only had a vague idea of what direction I was going, but the quilt took over and dictated to me as we went along...LOL
As always, I welcome your comments and critiques. I always learn so much from all of you...


  1. This is just immersed in fun! I really want to go to this place and play with the fairies. Nice use of value....I can learn a lot from your piece.

  2. I can tell that you had a lot of fun making it! It makes me want to get started on my fairy quilt (that I've been planning to do since last summer).

    Great range of values, sense of depth, and workmanship. I like that the fairy's wing and the fluffy tree goes over the edge on the right. And just the right amount of bling!
    laura k

  3. Hi Cheri, Thank you for being a good's been fun to see your comments and encouragement.
    This is one of my favorite songs and I wanted to do a piece on it but didnt' have the time this month...some other time I hope.
    I really love your piece, full of sparkle and textures. It feels very magical. I like the edge finishing that cord you've couched on or stitching or ?
    I have one comment to consider: When I squint my eyes (a good indication of how the value contrast registers from afar), I see 2 areas of light, the 2 fairies. Often it is more interesting if elements are in odd number. What would it look like if you added another light element? A lighter moon, another smaller fairy, tinkerbell sitting on the wall, white flowers somewhere, a dove in the trees?
    Just a's wonderful as it is. Wanna trade?


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