Sunday, February 25, 2007

Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree

If you read the messages you know I'm not happy about the way the picture washed out most of the yellows. Also I feel there should be something more but I don't know what.


  1. I love that you chose yellow! It appears that purple is the accent color (from the purplish tones in the fabric you used for the ground). I would consider all the other colors in your quilt to be shades of yellow. I would consider adding an element in purple (not sure what, I can't remember all the words to the song). Seeing that purple is the complement of yellow, it should really make the yellows sing.

    What you have so far is a great start. You've done a wonderful job with the quilting and the very well done bindings (I wish my corners were as sharp!) With the autumn leaves falling it really does give the impression that someone's been waiting a really long time (I do remember that much about the song).
    laura k

  2. I very much like the yellow ribbons in the tree and love the fact that they seem to be wafting in the wind as though they have been there "three long years" as the song says. There is something about the piece that doesn't quite ring true though.....maybe it's the top portion (sky area) or the dark area across the bottom which appears to be the tops of trees and seems to make the oak tree appear to be above the "tree line". Maybe toning them down with paint or tulle could fade them into the background so they don't detract from your oak tree which is really well done. I really love your fallen leaves with some leaves still on the tree.

  3. I've always loved this song Betty. Your oak tree is really good. I agree with Deb in that the line between foliage and sky is too sharp. What if you deepen the sky by adding a layer of tulle in a gray tone to convey a fall, winter sky feeling? Or perhaps add a couple of trees, recessed to make the tree not look like it stands totally alone?
    Good job


  4. Hi Betty, It's too bad your photo didn't come out like you wanted. It's a bit fuzzy besides the color issue you mentioned. Did you turn off the flash? If there's enough daylight in the room or you have some side lighting on the quilt, try it with no flash. Often the flash will wash it out.
    It looks like you had fun with your song and the yellows...good job, too.
    The only comment I have is about symmetry and cropping. It can be a more interesting composition if the main element is not centered and each side of the element is not symmetrical. Cropping one of the sides would fix that. Put your hand over one side or the other of the photo, and I think you'll see what I mean.

    Betty, your consistent participation in the challenges is a real joy to us...keep it up. I look forward to seeing your next piece.


  5. Thank y'all for your comments. They are all good and I will keep them in mind for another time.

    And yes, Cynthia, I did try it without the flash. There really wasn't much difference. And yes again. Cropping would definitely have helped.

    Betty Donahue


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