Friday, March 23, 2007

Challenge #7 ~ Makers Choice

Challenge # 7

Due Saturday, March 31, 2007
Hostess - Gena Flatley
Theme - Maker's Choice
Design Element- A type of fabric you are not used to working with!

Choose a type of fabric/fiber you have not worked with before. If you are used to working in cottons, use some velvet, silk, satin, lace, leather, suede, corduroy, denim, painted fusibles, painted coffee filters, dryer get the idea.

The field is wide open to choose any material/fabric that is new-to-you in order to give you the opportunity to move a bit further from the center of your comfort zone. This may be more of a technique challenge than previous ones. That is OK because techniques are extremely important in how we interpret our ideas in fiber and art in general.

The amount of the new-to-you fabric/fiber is up to you. use a little or use a lot. But use enough to give yourself a good taste of stretching beyond comfort and give yourself an idea of how different fibers react and represent themselves in a fiber piece. A measurable suggestion might be at least 25 - 30 % of the total fabric used. At any rate, it should be enough to be obvious to viewers and to make it a good learning experience for you.

You may use any techniques, mediums etc. desired in addition to the new-to-you fiber.

Design may be realistic, representational or abstract.

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